Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Due Diligence




The opinions are multitude on the person of Jesus.  A politician claims that Jesus would be thought a radical if He came to the U.S. capitol; probably right but for reasons different than she thinks.  A pop singer opines that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a love affair going on, singing songs about it to promote the idea.    Authors portray current day followers of Jesus as mindless people, unable to think or reason.  Popular lecturers claim His entire life a myth.  Where does that leave the honest seeker, the honest follower of Jesus?


The source of information about the one we follow is as important as the information itself.   Finding the most honest and truthful source is important in evaluating the accuracy of the facts you are seeking.  We do not turn to plumbers for information on effective cancer treatments, and we would not ask an oncologist how to repair a leaky pipe!  The question to be asked then is why do we look to those with only a fleeting acquaintance of Jesus to explain Him to us?  And especially puzzling is why ask others when He has left us four accounts of His life and words?


Some will say that Jesus welcomed all people.  That is indeed true, but look at the accounts of His life and you will find that He not only welcomed them, but also challenged them on what He called their sin. 


Some will say that Jesus took the side of the downtrodden and poor, which is true.  However in His life story, He also took the side of the rich and ruthless tax man, who repented.  He expressed love for the rich young ruler, who sought answers.  He voiced respect for the Roman soldier whose faith was strong.   The rich, the poor, the oppressor and the oppressed could all find a welcome, but it was at the feet of Jesus.


Some will say that Jesus was a mild mannered, soft spoken teacher.  His story includes several episodes of Jesus as wildly angry, destructive and loud.  Injustice, hypocrisy, foolishness and pride annoyed Jesus and He had no problem expressing that.  He was not always patient, He was never tolerant of sin.  He let his hearers know what he was about and in strong language.


The Person of Jesus is introduced to us in the gospels.  The accounts were written or dictated by people who were there, who saw and heard Jesus.  Furthermore, the Spirit of God superintended the writing and made it exactly as it should be.  That is why it is the place to begin learning about Jesus and the place to go to fact check anything you hear from others about Him.


Don’t make the mistake of listening to gossip about Him from those that have not known Him.  Don’t go following the opinions of others who have altered His story.   Go to the source. Do your research.  Life eternal is forever; don’t rely on the words of a politician.