Friday, November 10, 2017


Do you ever find yourself wondering if someone has been eavesdropping, listening at the keyhole?  You have been thinking about a particular problem and then a friend mentions a new book they enjoyed and it is all about your problem.  Or have you ever wondered which avenue to take and a song comes on the radio which addresses your situation exactly?  We all have these moments, when it seems some greater hand has been directing us.  Either that or we say, “What a coincidence!”  But is it really just a random course of events that happened to meet at the right time and place?   It is possible that the God Who is all powerful and all knowing is directing events so that we can find the answers we seek.

If a friend of yours asks for advice, do you not do your best to be helping them with truthful and kind words?  Why should we think God is unwilling to do the same?  Perhaps He simply replies to our requests by using others.  Perhaps He uses the song on the radio when we are driving to work or the chapter in the devotional book we use once in a great while.
 That happened to me today.  The book has lain on the table for weeks.  Today I picked it up and turned to the reading for the day.  Amazingly, it was a reiteration of what I had read in scripture just minutes before and it addressed some of my questions and doubts.  How can that happen? How can it be anything but a coincidence?  It can be because the God of Scripture, the God of this world, the God I worship, is in control of all things and has the power and ability to bring things together in such a way that I can see and  understand the message.  But beyond that,  I can see His hand in it all, which is as good as the answer to my questions, because I can see His love for me in a real and tangible way. 
He is a good Father, He a comforter.  He is there.

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