Monday, March 23, 2020

What to Wear

Exodus 28 is the style section of the book of Exodus.  In it God gives Moses precise instructions on the clothing the priests are to wear when serving in the Tabernacle.  When reading through the descriptions and directions on how to make the various items of clothing,  it becomes apparent that God has every detail figured out.  From the material to be used for the ephod-yarn of gold, blue, purple and scarlet, to the placement of the twelve precious gems in the breastplate-every aspect of the uniform of the priests is laid out. 
It was these clothes, designed by God, that were worn by the High Priest when he entered the Most Holy Place to offer the sin offering for the himself and for the people of Israel on the Day of Atonement.   On this day all the sins of the past year were placed on the sacrificial animals, a bull and two goats.  The bull and one goat were offered as blood sacrifices; the second goat was sent into the wilderness bearing away all the sin and rebellion of the people.   The garments and sacrifice commanded by God were precise, exact and not to be altered.  Even the garments worn by the High Priest were to remain in the Tabernacle, as God instructed the priest to change out of the garments, wash and put on his regular clothing.  

What then of our High Priest, because we do have one.  In Hebrews 4:14-16 we are told that our High Priest is Jesus, the Son of God.  The High Priest who has gone through the heavens, who understands our weakness, who was tempted but remained without sin, this is the One who enters the most holy place.  As High Priest, He entered the ‘greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not man-made,’ Hebrews 9:11.  As with the priests of old, He also entered the holy place with blood, but not animal blood; He entered with his own blood.  He was at once priest and sacrifice. 

Think of our High Priest and Sacrificial Lamb, Jesus.  When He offered up the sacrifice of Himself for us, He was not wearing priestly robe.  He was not clothed.  The scripture tells us he was stripped naked, a humiliating experience for anyone.  Yet our High Priest/Sacrifice wore nothing save his humanness.  He was naked before God and mankind as He offered Himself.  And I am reminded that the first Adam was naked before God and unashamed until sin spoiled him and shame became real.  Jesus, the second Adam was naked before the world and bore the shame that all people know.  In His nakedness, our High Priest offered us His robes of righteousness, His garments of salvation.  The adornment of our High Priest was humiliation; so that the chains of sin and death we all wear might be eliminated and we could wear the garments of salvation.