Saturday, June 6, 2020

Furious Rage Anger Wrath

Have you ever read through the comments section on a social media site?  Interesting, isn’t it that so many people are trying to argue a point, sometimes with perfect strangers.  Frequently the exchange is an angry back and forth that devolves to name calling and dismissive words.  Passion about the subject at hand becomes inflamed and heated vitriol is spewed and no one changes their thinking.  It reminds me of two verses of scripture regarding anger.  The first is from Ephesians 4:26-27; “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.”   The other verse comes from James 1:20 “…for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.”

There seems to be an anger that is not sinful, and a way for each Christ follower to control the anger they feel.  After all, we are given the ability to grow the fruit of the spirit one of which is self control.  We are able, through the power of Christ within to direct and have power over any anger we feel.   We are told not to go to bed angry and cede control to the devil.  Holding onto anger is not good.  But, you ask, what about anger over a hideous evil?  Should we not be angry at what angers God?  Of course! If the things that grieve and anger God do not grieve and anger us we are truly immature in the faith.  So then, how do we deal with the anger that rises when evil is at work around us? 

Many of us act out of anger, hitting a wall, hitting a person, throwing objects, breaking things; anger is so powerful and we cannot carry it, we have to get it out of ourselves. Remember Peter’s angry response to Jesus being arrested in the garden?  He drew his sword and chopped off a man’s ear!  These actions may release the anger and give momentary relief, but afterwards they only create more problems. 

We all need to recognize the power anger has in our lives.  We must acknowledge the reason for the anger and then we need to direct that power to fight the evil, to right the wrong.  Anger submitted to God can impel us to work for the Kingdom that the peace of Christ may be offered to all.  We can work for the justice of God to be available to all.  Our own anger can never bring about what God desires; it can only feed our old nature.  We have a new nature and a Risen Lord.  We have been given all that we need to for life and godliness, we are all called to reject our old life and welcome the new life in Christ.  Do you want to be angry and harbor evil or do you want to be angry and sin not.  We have the power to choose.

1 comment:

  1. keep writing keep steering us in the RIGHTeous direction...
