Thursday, August 26, 2010

Status Doesn't Hinder

God surely puts people in the places He has for them; regardless of status, education or connections. Witness Amos, the shepherd from Tekoa in Judah. The shepherd-one who lived with the sheep and goats, not the most highly educated in society. One who lived outdoors much of the time without the benefits of home; i.e. clean clothing, water for bathing, up to date news.

This shepherd, from Judah, ended up in the presence of the king of Israel. Brought to the king's attention by the priest of Bethel in Israel; Amos' words of judgement had caught the attention of the powerful. Only the hand of God can orchestrate a situation like this: foreign working class man, speaking harsh words, discouraging words, coming to the attention of those who would normally disdain him. Without the direction of God, in this instance, Amos would have been considered a foolish, crazy man, worthy only of pity or even death for speaking treason.

But Amos had stirred up the people with his words. Driven by the Spirit of God to speak the words of God, Amos moved in the company of powerful people. The result for Amos was to be threatened. The power class attempted to silence Amos, but Amos was not cowered. He pushed ahead, proclaiming the truth and warning Israel. Amos listened to God, and surrendered his will to God's purposes. It does not ever appear that Amos sought audience with the powerful in religion and government, but he did not shy away from it either. His time with the powerful was at the direction and superintendence of God.

God's direction can lead in so many unexpected directions. To places one never dreamed, and people one would never meet. Status and position are never hindrances to God. In facet, our status has been achieved by the grace of God through the sacrifice of Jesus, our position the same. We are children of God, reborn, forgiven and alive. Status and position in the world cannot compare, need not compare. We need only follow God where He leads. It can be an amazing, challenging and wild ride, follow the God Who saved you and watch what He does.

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