Saturday, October 2, 2010

An Easy Yoke

In reading chapter 42 of Jeremiah, I was struck by the reluctance of the people of Israel to follow the advice, they requested, given them by God. Listening to what God says is not a strong suit of the human race. Bowing the neck to receive His yoke in order to do His bidding seems to be the major obstacle to our desires for peace, holiness and joy, just as it was for the people of Jeremiah's day. As people of faith, we clamor for God to reveal His will to us. But then, He answers and we are stopped in our tracks, stunned at what He says. One hundred reasons, logical and sensible, rise to the surface and we argue with the revelation. Fear encroaches on our faith and we back away, certain we have heard wrong.
Why do do fight the yoke, fight the need to accept His lead? When I take my dog for a walk, he must bend his neck to allow me to put on his collar. His collar, a choke chain, is what I use to direct and pace him as we walk. My dog not only bends his neck to let me put on his collar, the very sound of me pulling the collar from its hook excites him. He knows the collar and leash mean we are going out on a walk. The collar means a new adventure and new places to my dog. The yoke of God, accepted in trust, means fulfillment, new work, new joy, new life and time with God. What my dog knows by instinct, we as people of faith fail to realize. It is only in the yoke of God that freedom is found.

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