Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Can I Vote for God,Too?

Many of us vote God in many times and even more often vote Him out of power. Each time we eject Him from the capitol of our lives and set up another, we treat God as no more than one of a multitude of candidates running for the ruling office in our lives.
Do I feel like loving my neighbor today? God is voted in. Do I want to slander my enemy today? God is voted out. And it is not as though we doubt His right to rule or His qualifications; we just prefer someone else.
I think we generally like to be the ruling authority in our lives. After all, I know what I want and I am the one who bears the consequences of my choices, my votes. No one is hurt or bothered. So I pull the lever and vote myself in.
It all works smoothly until the glaring glitch emerges. God is not one of a large slate of candidates. No, He is an imperial ruler, a monarch, a king. No one ever elects a monarch. A king rules by divine right. You don't vote a king out of office; one does not toss a king off the throne and take his place. To attempt that is rebellion, not a fair, clean election. But we routinely turn to our voting booth, throughout each day, electing ourselves as ruler, fomenting rebellion against our rightful King. The King we have surrendered to and aligned with. We set ourselves up for disaster when we become rebels. We set ourselves up for sorrow, pain, disappointment and grief when we oust our King. How much longer must we play this foolish game of King of the Hill? How much longer will we all struggle to rule ourselves instead of being ruled by the King who loves us and rescued us? How much longer indeed?

1 comment:

  1. You are SO right! Is He LORD or He is my vending machine?
