Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Grace of Rest

Grace in the time of rest

Where I live, people are always busy; busy preparing for the next storm, the next party, the next day.  People are proud of their work ethic, and proud of their accomplishments.  They work hard, they are reliable, they get the job done, whatever the job is.
How then can rest be a good thing, a good practice to do?  After all, any found time is useful for catching up and getting a head start on the next day’s work, or project, or meal.

It was realizing the hard work many of the people I know are doing that I  was also  thinking of how I would explain the idea of a Sabbath rest to a very busy friend who is not at all involved with God.  Since the idea comes from Him and my friend is unfamiliar with His ways and ideas, how could I explain that rest from regular work is a command, a rule, if you will, from the Creator of the world?

If rest is good, then how can one maintain their work record, work ethic? 
But in my thoughts an idea came flying into the picture. That thought was  the idea of grace, of undeserved favor.  Is the idea of a day of rest in part a reminder that all we are and all we have comes from the grace of the Creator? 

1Co 4:7 ‘…What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you   boast as if you did not receive it? “

Our abilities, our thoughts, our jobs and our lives have all been given to us as a gift from
 The Creator, we did not engender them, we use them, and we hone them and train
ourselves in the use of them, but they are gifts, given freely.

In much the same way a parent cares for a child and does not expect the child to perform
adult tasks, the Creator, the Father, cares for His created ones by mandating a rest, a
time when the gifts He has given can be put down, put aside and we can rest.  The future
is not dependant on our abilities or our effort,  just as providing for a family is not the
work of the children.  Our responsibility lies in using the gifts as given for the work set
 before us.  The end goal is not to get ahead, but to get nearer to the Creator.  Even as  the
 parents provide and the children are provided for.  We can seek to get ahead, but only at
 the cost of our  health and our  soul. It is the Creator that runs the universe, not us.  It is
 His story to unfold, not ours to write.  Finding our place in the story and in the universe
 allows us to both  receive and use these gifts and to put them aside and rest.

 God provides and we are the recipients.  Rest comes as one reminder that all we have is
a gift, freely given by the gracious favor of the Creator.  It is time to rest in His grace.

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