Thursday, January 20, 2011

To Be Remebered

"She remembered me." So said the contestant on American Idol. So impressed that the singer and actress, Jennifer Lopez, knew her, remembered her. The contestant was clearly moved and grateful.
To be recognized or remembered by someone of high standing, someone who has achieved the success we seek, is a true motivation to continue. It is an emotional boost, a confirmation that we are important, special, worthy of notice; life has meaning.
But who is the one of high standing, the successful person? What is the reason and source of the position we give them? Is there a standard of success that applies to all people; one which my role model has achieved? Or is their success only temporary, for the present time, fleeting. If I look to someone, a role model, whose standing and achievements are successful and acknowledged but transitory, then I can really hope for no more than the same. And the meaning and boost that comes from the recognition by them is also only temporary. It will not last. Either time or frailties or changing preferences will erode the success of the role model and the value of the recognition. Although I seek it far too often, I have learned this recognition from others does not last; it does not satisfy.
Slowly, I am learning to rely on the words of the One who says He has counted the hairs on my head. He has not merely remembered me, He has called me by name, stored my tears in a jar, gone so far as to purchase me and has good plans for me. He has even etched my name on the palm of His hand. Yes, the One Who remembered me will never forget me. His success will not pass away. In fact His success will only increase, His standing among us, grow. He will never be outdone or outdated. To know that is a great joy, a lasting boost to my spirit, a true hope.
Yes, He remembers me!

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