Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Kingdom is Here

I am reading through a bible study on the Lord's prayer, seeking a new study to lead for the year ahead. While I have not been led one way or another, there is one thought I will mull over for some time from this booklet. "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." What soaring words, a grand desire, the grand desire of so many who want the Lord to rule, to rescue, to right the horrible evil in this place. Yes, many of us want His kingdom to appear and take charge. However, as the author of the study admits, not many of us are willing to allow God's rule to set up shop in our own lives, our hearts, our wills.
Let God rule the life of our president, our spouse, our children....but as for me; well I think I am pretty well in control and have been keeping my ducks in a row quite well, thank you.
Wasn't it Luke who mentioned that the Kingdom of God is within? The kingdom comes to each one, and we either receive the King and allow His rule or we reject the King. Why attempt to foist this King off on others while resisting His rule myself? What kind of a person does that make me; a hypocrite perhaps?
The kingdom already is here, we have the choice to align ourselves with the King. No trumpets, no confetti or ceremony here, although I believe there is an angelic party each time a new peace treaty is made between the King and a human. He is king, He rules and He is returning soon, but as He asked, will He find any faithful ones here? The faithfulness begins as I say yes to the King, the King who is also my Father. Yes for His rule, His way. Each day of agreement, of alignment with the King is a new day. A New Day, for each one of us. How great to start walking in the kingdom of our God where each day is a new, beautifully grace-filled, joyous day.

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